Community around St. Luke's Belmont

Community Centre
A state of the art community facility suitable for booking for conferences, large or small meetings, group & club bookings, functions and community events.
St Luke's Activity Centre
St Luke’s Activity Centre commenced in 1992 and meets each Monday during school terms (from 9:30am – 12:00pm). You are most welcome to join the activities, with people who like to learn, socialise and have fun! And what do they do? Play games, create handicrafts, discuss ideas, enjoy a cuppa and a chat! That’s a snapshot of what happens at the St Luke’s Activity Centre.

Unite@St Luke’s began in 2009 and is a social program for those in their 30’s to 60’s. It provides a platform to enable existing church members to strengthen relationships and to invite new members such as family and friends along to join in.
St Luke’s Playgroup
St Luke’s Playgroup meets during school terms on Friday mornings from 10:00am-12:00pm in the Community Centre. All parents, carers and grandparents are welcome to bring little ones along!

St Luke’s Community Garden
The garden was established in 2010 with the aim of bringing people together to grow and harvest fresh fruit and vegetables and then share the spoils with each other and the local community.

Adult Fellowship
Adult Fellowship meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Starting with morning tea at 9:30am followed by a guest speaker and a general meeting. Session concludes at 12:00pm. The program for each session is included in the church newsletter ‘Together’ in the week leading up to the Adult Fellowship meeting.
Quirky Quilters
The Quirky Quilters Group meet every Tuesday from 10am – 3.30pm in the Community Centre. You are welcome to come for half a day or a full day. Meet new friends and sew for the community (materials supplied), or work on your own project.

Bible Study
Everyone is welcome to join any of the groups – Bruce K Bible Study, Friday Plus Bible study and Food for Thought.
Just Kids
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday during term time ‘Just Kids’ meets. We come to the 9.45am service and leave after a short while. Our time is used to learn about God, his love for us and how wonderful a relationship with Jesus is.

Narla Village
Narla Village for aged care is located on a large parcel of scenic bushland near the church building in Belmont North. Narla Village Nursing Home and Narla Village Hostel are home to 100 residents in total, with 60 of these residents at the nursing home and the remaining 40 at the hostel.
UnitingCare St Luke’s Preschool
Features large external environments which provide children with a variety of textures and settings to explore, including their own veggie patch.