A Place For Everyone

A church where you are welcome regardless of who you are, where you are from and who you love

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Click on the ‘Church Online’ link at the top of the page to livestream our morning service each week

St Luke’s Belmont

We are a community of people who celebrate and share the Love of God revealed to us in Jesus Christ.  We are inspired by the vision of God’s Kingdom of Justice and Peace.  We believe that God welcomes and loves all people and that through Jesus Christ we know and experience God’s mercy and grace.  St Luke’s is a welcoming and affirming Congregation of the Uniting Church in Australia. 

A Place For Everyone - St Luke’s Uniting Church Belmont

Our Mission

Our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through word and action.  Through worship and small groups we grow together as disciples of Jesus.  St Luke’s is a church committed to serving others both locally and abroad and to working for justice and peace in our community and in the world.  

Sunday Service Times

The 9.45am service is streamed live and can be viewed at any time.  To view live and past services click on the  ‘Church Online’ link which is at the top of every page of the website. 

8:00 AM

9:45 AM

5:30 PM

8:00 AM

Traditional Worship

Traditional worship offering an opportunity to worship in a style that is familiar and meaningful.

9:45 AM

Contemporary Family Worship

This is a more contemporary service involving a band and modern worship music.  ‘Just Kid’s’, a fortnightly program for young people where they can learn about God’s love and grace, meets during this service.  Children are welcome to receive Holy Communion whenever it is celebrated. 

5:30 PM

Dinner Church

Dinner Church is currently in recess and will resume on 2nd February 2025

Meets during school term time.  An opportunity for people to gather in a less formal way to learn about God, to support one another in our discipleship journey, to share stories and to pray together.  An ‘all age’ gathering over a simple shared meal.